
30 May 2001

CONFUSED; got headic seen my hub wrongly configured; where's the swicth anyway; like flip-flop it blup everywhere; GOD I need relaxation; he..he..he..; I hope all of my FRIEND forgive me; I working with the ROUTER alone. FORGIVENES!

26 May 2001

Wake up earlier again; Jelek` told me this lovely Linux Chick site. How do we spell linux at they underwear; *sod*.

25 May 2001

Emotion; I dont know why I starting out defacing again; because some lame from cyberhacker; the war has become extensive; all indonesian hacker take part; here some short mirror from the defacement page; target all .uk .us and .ca

21 May 2001

----- cut ---
aku jatuh cinta,'tuk kesekian kali
baru kali ini ku rasakan cinta sesungguhnya,
tak seperti dulu
kali ini ada pengorbanan
cinta bukan sekedar kata-kata indah
cinta bukan sekedar buaian belaian peraduan
samudra cinta dari pulung hati
tak terukur dalamnya
hingga saat perpisahan tiba
mengundang air mata
atau hanya secuil penyesalan
cinta adalah ruang dan waktu
datang dan menghilang
semua karunia sang pencipta
mungkinkah kau sedang menatap bulan
bulan sabit yang sedang kupandangi
mungkinkah kamu menangis
diatas bintang khayalku
maafkanlah cinta
atas kabut jiwa
yang menutupi pandangan kalbu
--- end of cut ---

Mungkin ini adalah jalan yang terbaik; buat kami berdua.

Tak seperti biasanya pulang dari MARKAS; gue mampir ke ATM; buat mempersiapkan sedikit dana untuk kedatangan tunangan gue; yang memang sudah jauh hari; lapor ke gue bahwa dia akan datang hari ini; uh. Sesampainya di rumah; gue kaget sekali; DUA dari TIGA pic ukuran 20R yang selalu menghias dinding kamar gue hilang; tinggal SATU pic dia; si tunangan. Memang nyokap gue sejak SABTU kemaren sudah menyuruh; gue; menyingkirkan pic-pic CEWEK lain dari kamar gue; selain pic dia. Tapi gue cuek; suka-suka; toh mereka semua LOVE gue. Tapi taunya emang benar disingkirkan ama nyokap gue; sialan; ditaro dimana lagi; gue gak ketemu nyarinya.
Baru selesai mandi; dengan mata mengantuk karena dari kemarin gue belum tidur. Dia; tungangan gue; TELPON; bahwa dia sudah ada di RAMAYANA. Ouch; shit. Buru-buru gue buka lemari cari baju;shit; semingu jarang ada dirumah; semua baju gue pada lecek dan belum di setrika; akhirnya gue mengendap-endap ke kamar kakak gue. Doh; kamar yang selalu rapi; dan harum; serta hanya ada SATU pic cewek dikamar ini; doh; beda sekali dengan kamar gue; APES. Setelah ngembat BAJU dari lemari kakak gue; dengan tergesa-gesa gue cabut ke RAMAYANA.
Tak susah menemukan seorang cewek yang doyan shoping di RAMAYANA; karena dia selalu bergerak kesana kemari. Dengan langkah GONTAI dan MALAS; tanpa EKPRESI apapun; gue pasrah ngikutin dia. Ke counter BATA sebuah sepatu sendal dipilihnya; dicobanya; dan gue merogoh DOMPET; didepan KASIR. Sekitar satu jam muter-muter dideretan baju-baju CEWEK; dua pasang baju dan dua nota sudah ada dalam tas plastiknya; depan KASIR; gue kembali rogoh DOMPET. Terus; semua belum berakhir; di counter TAS; kembali terjadi lagi; doh. Entahlah berapa DOMPET; yang sudah habis demi kesenangannya.
Agaknya dia masih belum puas ketika kami keluar dari RAMAYANA; dia melirik ke arah HERO; ouch; untung saja rasa lapar; nyelamatin gue; dari penyiksaan part II; meskipun gue sendiri sama sekali tidak lapar; kami berdua mampir ke TEXAS; gue pesen PAKEKO; sementara dia pesen porsi NGGAKEKO; shoping kayaknya bikin dia lapar; CUEK.
Sambil menikmati pemandangan; MUNGKIN; gue gak nikmatin banget; gue ngantuk. Usai ngobrol ngalor-ngalor (gue gak tanggep makanya nggak ngidul-ngidul); rupanya dia BOSEN;sambil buka-buka tas belanjaannya; nggak sabar nyoba baju kali dia; trus dia ngajak pulang.
Diluar seinget gue; ada kakek tua gituw; lusuh ama kelaparan gituw; PENGEMIS; lah tampangnya; emang pengemis kali; sok memelas banget. Lagi-lagi gue rogoh DOMPET gue; dan... tiba-tiba ada perasaan berbeda dengan saat gue merogoh DOMPET buat tunangan gue sendiri; IKHLAS; entahlah; ada perasaan BANGGA dan BAHAGIA; selembar uang dengan nilai lumayan GEDE; gue taro ketangan orang tua itu. ASLI perasaannya beda banget; dengan ketika gue taro ketangan KASIR.
Puff; gue jadi mikir; dia bener-bener tunangan gue apa bukan; @#*@&!)# ... betalmostdoned.

Incoming bulk data transmite; some people from MOTOSPORT; asking for help to transfer some archives; hell its big; almost 10MB fit in on 1603. Just contain some photos from Gudang Garam RoadRace at Mandiangin. Hey! what the fuck; did I just? GRAMEDIA; wowa; I just helping my own enemy.

20 May 2001

Retaired; sustained; betalmostdoned; I've just call Meling; while finishing my portfolio for daissy.net portal. But unlikely we had been trough; I think its will be ended without no reason again; like the other portfolio. I realize that's was useless; abandoned; and forgoten.

For bizkitfan;keep on rollin baby; arrghh.

While wondering around looking for betalmostdone logo; A-Open; show me his creation for Antihackerlink; taken from Take Down movie; featured Kevin Mitnick; IS THE AUDIENCE LISTENING; MASTER, I AM HERE TO SERVE YOU.

19 May 2001

Maruk; after back from HQ; I call |Brain|; while watching stupid The Pinky & The Brain cartoon; he told me about all the problem that face by r0mO; first its not my concern; but I've realize its no use for me to keep my egoisme agains r0mO; he need help for sure; so do I. I hope I can arrange some meeting with him; to discuss; and resolve all this problem; this away to silly; if we continue ignoring each other.
My nap; distrub by phonecall from my fiance; ah; what should I told her; silent; cold; I doub if theres still any love between us. While working my first flash; A-Open call me and said he wanna meet me; somewhere; at my home; I just let it go; I'm not event taking a bath.
All thing was sucks; I cant reach r0mO; and |Brain| alrady left; what I know I fell bored; we meet my lil sista on 9ktcafe. At AMBARUKO; Kukus connections was reset again and again; make me so damn bored again; BORED...

Surfing all around flashkit; just make me fell dizzy; I wanna make something like that too. Just take a look some of my mirrored flash; cool:
- nin; by justin; hardrock music; wake up
- freestyler; by tamvir khan; get race and rock
- unbreakable; by cmc; the sixsense movie
- nasa feedback; by simon baker; nasa got they feedback

After wondering around allday; I found this stupid 3d werk; Synthya; but it kinda fun; because I neva seen something like that before; huh. Your Adult Check GOLD ID is: snazzy47legend. Enter with that!

Logos 4 U; insteresting site; they design logo for many elite hacker; I've been thinking to order some logos from them too.

Anak medan hacking _05_ (Dewa); query gue; masalah serangan betalmostdone terhadap #medanhacking; akhir-akhir ini. Damai? Entahlah; gue sendiri tau crew betalmostdone tidak suka berperang; tapi sedikit saja ketenangan kami terusik; fear us.

18 May 2001

To everybody who knows; my legend; mass hack; between Desember 2000 and January 2001; all been dedicated to one girl Jenny. Now NT unicode has become very massive way to deface box; hacker no longer become leet; they are become lame; fuckin lame.

Bingung; nggak ada kerjaan; nggak ada duit; pulsa HP habis; enaknya ngapain yah? Tidur; bosen; pulang kerumah nggak berani. Tagihan kamar di Ambaruko udah numpuk; nggak ada yang bisa dijual-jual; laper lagi. Ah, sial dah...

Done; www.1603.org is resolved; I'm done something kewl on the index page; just check it out. Everyone got charmed with Novi pic; honestly me too.

We're been looking logo for betalmostdone; military logo; darkcode logo; hell I hope Tr0ya found logo for betalmostdone soon. Because I want betalmostdone going elite; among the others.
Did I forget to record; betalmostdone had war with medanhacking; damn; I miss the old party; but victory on our side anyway; because we always done our bet; fear us.

17 May 2001

I'm not hacker; I'm newbie; I just online for chating; listening mp3; uploading web; and idle; look at my desktop capture:

Want to belive?

Tr0ya has just finished his beta version of betalmostdone grafical interface. Look very violance to me; but Tr0ya said that how it supposed to be. He also give me review about hack.co.za.

Just wake up; thinking about next day work; I feel dumb and lazy. Smoke my A-Mild 12; while waching aimaVISA pic; doesnt make me horny anyway.

I've been so long not eating yellow rice; I remember super_dewa really like this rice; also wOnGEdAn. This morning we own yellow rice party again; with A-Open and wOnGEdAn. Heh, I got SMS from my little sister; meyie:
hihihi.. dd mu gk isa bobo ni hati na gi berbunga2 dyh indah bgt ni jatuh cinta asli ka bud ku love dia hiks kangen euy moga2 akan diberkati doain ya -amie-
Yup! I will my little sista; I hope you happy with him; I think he really nice person anyway.

Tr0ya decided to make portfolio about betalmostdone site. Thanks to him he also give me sample Antihackerlink site. I think Tr0ya very cute guy; no wonder he got Angie; bravo for him.

DaissyNet: I check some flash site together with LingGuanPiT; we really amazed; we've been thinking when we can do such think. Baliweb Design; its really beautiful; make me just wanna create; 1603; powerfull website for me. Bless me God. I still not eating yet; this couple indome still on kresek; and too bad I dont have hot water.

16 May 2001

My last best buddy RoKsToNe was here; at Banjarmasin; he cant reach me; I just meet him at #betalmostdone; really I miss him; he my best best buddy; when we are both still at #indicafe; until he disapear; now he at Surabaya with Jelek`; I hope he will comeback.

Novi; F.Ekonomi; U.3sakti; my barbie dool.

NiXeLL has told me about this girl stockpiles; most of them realy pretty; when I'm off to Jakarta's; I will eat them alive; hohoho; fear me.

*** m-l0ve-m (mery@ has joined #betalmostdone
I think the answer for all what meyie is hiding from me; about someone that she loves; yupe my guess is still right; it`s madya; my best hax0r friend; who has get into her heart. As her brother I will keep on supporting this love; may God be with us;prise God; halleluyah!

Here some short SMS from PiNkYY that make me smile; for nothing:
bang budi va bt neh mau OL ndak ica warnetnya ngak buka 24 jam aih bt juga tapi ngak papa deh lagian va emang mau berhenti dari irc..
bang apa va maried ama ary aja kali yah bang va bt pacaran trus putus lagian dia kan pelaut jadi agak jarang ketemu(otak selingkuh) huehue tapi va ngak mau..
ngak mau selingkuh ah bang va akan berusaha menyayangi dia lebih dari aku menyayangi papa aku mudah2an va bisa jadi istri yang baik. doain va yah bang :)
then from meyie:
aku jatuh cinta beneran ka budi
I think they treat me really as they old brothers; they keep telling me everyhing; ah what kinda love can do; I event cant get my self straight in love life. I pray for you two my lovely sister; I hope you two get your happinest on your love life.

I dont know what I will do for the rest of this night; here I'm still listening fuckin house music; with damn Kukus; he love Memei; I think. Dont denied it; they both in love; do they ?
I hope Meling; really comeback today; this day for sure; Meling she's the only one; but why I still had the others ? God help me to chose; who will be my true love.

Get confused; my 1603 is up; but something wrong with addr hosting.

I pickup some interesting art work at digitalblasphemy; I aways forget the URL. Thanks for Kukus; that always remain me about it. Hell they make awesome artwork there; digital image; was too powerfull.

Its all about eF73/sleighter/jimbong; 0628; nothin was given for nothing; life is a journey; we cant let it go; we cant leave it too; we have deal with it.

I just sleep allday; because last nigth I cant sleep. My mind keep traveling everywhere; I just wanna sleep! My fiance just call me and told me she will come next Monday. And this suck project keep delayed; for unknow reason. I try to contact the other crew on my team but seem useless; they doesnt give a damn about it.
I just woke up about 17:00, homephone keep ringing looking for me; event I trun off my handphone all day. They looking for me; people from my last company. I dont know what they up to; but they allover my ass everyday. Today at HQ, they seem waiting for me; to catch me? I dont know; I got escape anyway.

15 May 2001

Everybody just liar wearing mask counterfeit. I had enough, I will never trust them again for the rest of my life; AutoAway (5110), PiNkYY (3110), Crash2 (14 digits), super_dewa (ATM), rajendra (4.2) and someone. Its time for payback. And now there's will be no mercy. There is no help; no chance; no escape; no mercy; only counterfeit *specialy for you Blade.

Damn SMS woke me up at 10:00. Make me realize so much thing to do this day. But I fell so tired and not in mood. I just wanna lying arround listening Limp Bizkit song with glass of cool Extra Joss. Ah.. very nice I think, tought I cant do that this damn SMS keep remaining me about that fucking project.
Why I got the blame? My life already mess up now everybody keep blaming on me. Oh, God... can I life more longer in this situation? I've just very must desprately and in deep depression.