
18 April 2004

*Hos*hos*hos* Tired: Today I feel so tired.

17 April 2004

Next Stage: I was done with the server routing, bandwidth management and monitoring/reporting tools. Well it's time to move on into new stage. Continuing stage by stage preparation for Banua.Net ISP.

Happy Ragnarok's People!

Local IIX Ragnarok Routing: I've found new way's to combine internet and local IIX game connection. So the two of them wont use the same bandwidth or either not consuming each other. But unfortunately I have to use internet connection for the patch update. And reserve limited IIX connection only for local IIX game connection. I think's thats fair enough.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s <from-ip> -p tcp --destination-port <to-port> -j MASQUERADE

I'm also will secure this line with including the destination ip on rules. But I still doesn't not have the complete Ragnarok's ip address yet.

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s <from-ip> -d <to-ip> -p tcp --destination-port <to-port> -j MASQUERADE

Here the short list : - www.ragnarok.co.id - Patch Server
202.78.196.x - Iris Map Server
202.43.167.x - Chaos & Loki Map Server

I think it's the best solution for this moment. Masquarading all local IIX game connection to iix1.bjm.banua.net.id especially for Ragnarok's.

16 April 2004


14 April 2004

Routing CBN Fixed: After delayed 24hours since my last report. Now routing to CBN has been fixed, all website with in that network has can be accessed now.

Routing idOLA Blocked: Hell, its really mess up. After my IP routing to CBN fixed, few hours later my local routing to IdOLA stop responding. From 12:30 until 16:00 nothing replyed at all. The strange thing is, this problem is only caused by antispoff on one of IdOLA router machine.

13 April 2004

Banua Lima is Up; I've decided new name for my ISP server and gateway, based on banua lima distric name eg. Tanjung, Rantau, Barabai, Amuntai, Kandangan etc. I think its more suitable with my ISP name Banua.Net.Id. So I keep this naming system until I get bored or found something better.

Routing CBN Blocked; Some how, local routing to CBN.Net.Id network is blocked my IP blocks. Until now its not being fixed yet. I've been receive several phone from Lintasarta confirming this problem, due their latency to IdOLA. The routing stop at their gateway.

Another re-active; after I got new hosting at thefreeserver.com (mom! its free hosting). I've decided to change my old 1603 (one six zero three) to just simple Cysco. All of my blog archive from 1603 is republished here. Don't ask me why its take me four years before this blog reactivated again. Many things has happed between it. I got married; have a little cute baby; setup and run my own bushiness; become Antihackerlink founder; become older and has more responsible. Well its what we used to call life.