
23 June 2001

thesis of donny b.u: I decided to help Donny B.U (Inet Reporter from Detik.Com); many of my friends disagree with that decission; but I have my own faith and oppinions on it. By the way it will be just between me and Donny; thats will not be involved what has Donny done to Jamie and Panca. And the other bad stories about Donny will not be affected into my cause and why I've been supporting him. But whatever the truth behind this thesis; I will be carefull enought to spend out spying on Donny back.
And Donny decission not use @detik.com email is the first step; so Detik.Com will not be spying arround with our bushiness. Event if R.M Suryo noticed me about the Police reaction following the case, it will be handled on other 'subject'. The mission has arranged; if some one is double crossing this thesis. I will be ready to stab back!


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