
22 April 2005

Shock Therapy

For more than 2mo our wifi network has been disturbed. We already study the cases and has reach point where and what is the attacker. But I still hold back and do nothing else. But unfortunately they doesn't get the messages, they think the reason I hold back and do nothing is because I can't counter them. No! the real reason is because I'm not that kind of person, that encounter attacker with another attack.

But that doesn't mean I've been weaken, much people out there still know who I am, know my path on the dark side of the net. The titles that I try to change until now, until I've been trusted and supported by the people that really own the net, the people that rules it. Yes, thats me now!

Altough my closes friends and family has suggested me to strike back and give shock therapy to the attacker. For serveral days I still refused and thinkin other ways that legaly supported by the people who own the net. Unfortunately times tell diferent, this night I realize, I will do this not for fun or else. But to safe my friends and family, to safe people that put their best effort with me. To do the rigth thing, to do shock therapy, and tell them if I'm still that old days Cysco, tell them I still has overpowered over the net, tell them I can do worse, tell them I can be really a bad guy, tell them I respond to their act.

God forgive my sin because I'm a sinner. But I've to do this. Belive me there's no fun or joy at all... this only a sinner. Attack!


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